[FRIAM] Acronyms

David Eric Smith desmith at santafe.edu
Mon Jan 25 18:24:21 EST 2021

A story Cormac likes to tell is that Winston Churchill once said the two things people would miss in the post-war world would be a classical education and the horse.

I don’t suppose that twitter acronyms — sort of seems like it violates the spirit of twitter, no? If the point were to escape the 140-character trivialization limit, one could just gzip some plain text and send the binary — are exactly equivalent to classical literature, but maybe one refers to more than was written by using them (?)


> On Jan 25, 2021, at 6:11 PM, Barry MacKichan <barry.mackichan at mackichan.com> wrote:
> When I see someting like BICBW,
> 1. I double click it
> 2. Get into a Google screen (or Duck Duck Go) (5 keystrokes using Launchbar on a Mac) It is unnecessary to copy it; Launchbar can with the selection.
> 3. Hit return.
> 4. Three out of the first five links contain the definition in the first line of the blurb. “BICBW stands for But I Could Be Wrong.”
> Elapsed time: about five seconds.
> Time to write this email, about 90 seconds.
> —Barry
> On 25 Jan 2021, at 17:31, thompnickson2 at gmail.com wrote:
> I assume when people use acronyms it is to communicate their membership in a club that I am not qualified to join, and they want me to be sure I know that.  So the medium IS the message.  Also, i’s a useful move in an interpersonal power game.  It forces the other person to come groveling back for an explication.  BICBW
> - .... . -..-. . -. -.. -..-. .. ... -..-. .... . .-. .
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