[FRIAM] everything a metaphor

Prof David West profwest at fastmail.fm
Sat Jan 30 21:31:05 EST 2021

I had sent this with the Perez article attached, but it exceeded a limit, so I was saved from my indiscretion of copying the article and posting as pdf.  Hopefully some of you will follow the link and have comments, but if not I will try a different tack to get the substance of the article across.


Carlos Perez posted a very nice synopsis/summary of "triadic thinking on medium:


Because I would like to have his ideas/posting discussed on friam and medium establishes a soft paywall, I have attached a pdf of the post — but I will be royally pissed if my indiscretion percolates beyond FRIAM in any way.

i would like to fold in Nick's claim that it is, "processes all the way down" which I agree with wholeheartedly (very Buddhist BTW) but have seldom seen any evidence that it is taken seriously; especially in the realm of conversations about 'truth', 'lies', and the incessant use of the verb 'to be'.

Hopefully, some will take the bait.

dave west

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