[FRIAM] Strawman/Steelman

Frank Wimberly wimberly3 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 31 13:45:14 EST 2021

Yes, certain kinds of speculative and manipulative trading are prohibited
except for entities that have traditionally done it.

I am trying to take advantage of the Gamestop example by buying a small
amount of stock in a similarly positioned firm.  It's kind of a lottery

Frank C. Wimberly
140 Calle Ojo Feliz,
Santa Fe, NM 87505

505 670-9918
Santa Fe, NM

On Sun, Jan 31, 2021, 11:15 AM Roger Critchlow <rec at elf.org> wrote:

> But companies and mutual funds are collective investments.  Hedge funds
> are collectives.  They don't think of themselves that way, but even Elon
> Musk is a huge collective if you take into account everyone who holds some
> kind of stake in Tesla, Spacex, Boring, and so on.
> Or are you invoking the collective than which none can be more collective?
> Although the argument is made endlessly in terms of individuals versus
> collectives, isn't it really a battle by existing collectives to prevent
> the formation and growth of competitive collectives?  The assertion that
> certain forms of "natural" collectives should be more privileged under the
> law and protected from competition from "unnatural" collectives?
> -- rec --
> On Sun, Jan 31, 2021 at 12:43 PM Marcus Daniels <marcus at snoutfarm.com>
> wrote:
>> Eric writes:
>> < The mechanics by which wealth skews place a spectrum of bets within or
>> out of reach, and then the value judgments of the specific bets particular
>> actors take, are both things to be understood.  I find arguments
>> frustrating in which one tries to get a clear picture of the mechanics, and
>> suddenly the conversation gets overwrought about valuations, as if the two
>> were the same topic.  >
>> One could imagine making the discretionary spending by the NIH opt-in on
>> taxes.   Since many pharmaceutical patents build on research funded by the
>> NIH, the government could insist on a better rate on drugs than those that
>> did not opt-in to that taxation.   Patents could be blocked without a
>> convincing examination of supporting research.    “Oh I see you opted-out
>> on NIH research on your 1040, your chimeric antigen receptor treatment bill
>> will be $500k.  Here is a CareCredit application.”  (Sadly that’s the
>> situation for most people, now.)
>> If a large fraction of people don’t to even want to acknowledge the need
>> for collective investments, it should be no surprise when the rest take
>> matters in to their own hands, or use it as leverage to profit.
>> Marcus
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