[FRIAM] Sean x Carrol

uǝlƃ ☤>$ gepropella at gmail.com
Wed Jul 21 10:15:09 EDT 2021

Reality as a Vector in Hilbert Space
Sean M. Carroll

On 7/20/21 7:49 AM, Barry MacKichan wrote:
> One of the (trivial, granted) ways the universe amuses me is that there are two Sean Carrols, one of whom authored ‘Endless Forms Most Beautiful’. I first heard of that book on a Friday morning at St. John’s. The are both prominent in their fields (physics and biology) and are very good popularizers.
> At times, when my critical faculties are sleeping, I can imagine that at some point the universe split and re-merged with itself and that the Sean Carrols represent a glitch in the merging process. That would explain that there are two of them, very similar in many ways and yet distinct.
> —Barry
> On 19 Jul 2021, at 21:42, David Eric Smith wrote:
>     Anyway, what came up today was a Sean Carroll interview with Wolfram, which fronts hypergraphs as Wolfram’s base-level abstraction.  It is a couple 

☤>$ uǝlƃ

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