[FRIAM] The case for vegetarianism

uǝlƃ ☤>$ gepropella at gmail.com
Mon Jun 14 11:50:49 EDT 2021

Exactly. That's why it's the *productive* old people who present the biggest risk. It dovetails nicely with the warning against ambitious objectives.

The headlines are stocked full with debate about whether Garland should "clean house". It strikes me as a bit contradictory to yap so much about inter-administration "professionals" when Trump's in charge, then yap about cleaning house when Biden's in charge.

But where is institutional memory/inertia? Is it in the bodies of humans? Or in the Cobol of the robots? The robots need to die, just like the old people.

On 6/14/21 8:17 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> Path dependence and (no) free will offer another view of why longevity may do more harm than good.   Once certain developmental paths and early life decisions are locked-in, they scope the rest of life through the formation of personality and the participation in one social network rather than another.   So short of partially erasing older people through the use of psychedelic drugs or other interventions, there is no way to back out the path dependence.   So they need to die, so that other early life forks can be taken by other individuals.   

☤>$ uǝlƃ

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