[FRIAM] The case for and the case against Covid vaccinations

⛧ glen gepropella at gmail.com
Fri Jun 18 16:43:53 EDT 2021

OK. What part of Malone's claims are not debunked? Again, I'm having trouble knowing what you're talking about because you won't be specific.

I'm fine with disagreeing. But I have no idea what we disagree about!

On June 18, 2021 12:36:28 PM PDT, Pieter Steenekamp <pieters at randcontrols.co.za> wrote:
>Thank you Glen,
>I reread the article you posted
>and then I listened to where dr Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA
>vaccination technology discusses the potential harm of the Covid
>The long discussion has been removed, but the following two clips are
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb_7E12VDE4 and
>After reviewing this I came to the following conclusion:
>a) I 100% agree with "your" article in that it debunks many of the wild
>conspiracy theories. Thanks for this
>b) In "my" video clips, dr Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA
>technology, discusses carefully the potential harm of specifically the
>Covid vaccines. Refer to https://www.rwmalonemd.com/ for more about
>him. I
>don't find convincing arguments against these specific points in "your"
>Let me repeat, I am a VERY BIG fan of vaccinations in general and
>specifically of the mRNA vaccination technology. I am really excited
>the potential benefits to humanity of this technology in that it could,
>future, have effective vaccines available against viruses very soon
>after a
>new virus has been identified. Vaccinations have saved many lives the
>half-century or so and mRNA vaccination technology could take the fight
>against virus infections even further.
>We all are confronted with data and information and we have to use our
>judgement about what makes sense for ourselves. If you believe "your"
>article debunked what dr. Robert Malone said, fine, I am definitely not
>going to argue with you or try to change your mind.
>In my judgement, on the other hand, I don't find convincing arguments
>"your" article debunking what Dr Robert Malone said.
>Again, I really appreciate your comments and I really do consider it,
>general I value your judgement, but in this specific case I disagree
>you. But at the end of the day we don't have to agree on how we
>the information.
>Just on the cost, I was not referring to what it costs me personally. I
>referring to the billions of dollars in taxpayers money big pharma got
>develop the vaccines and the killing they now make to sell it to
>About stirring the pot, in general I like to do exactly that, yes,
>as charged. But in this specific case I am serious about seeking help.
>please don't crucify me if we come to different conclusions on being
>presented with the same information. We can agree to disagree in a very
>positive spirit.

glen ⛧

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