[FRIAM] The case for and the case against Covid vaccinations

⛧ glen gepropella at gmail.com
Sun Jun 20 09:07:03 EDT 2021

Changing one's mind is the only indicator of intelligence. 

But I'm less concerned about any one mind than I am about the proliferation of conspiracy peddlers like Weinstein. They baste their unfounded nonsense in a rich sauce of pseudoscience and martyrdom. Perhaps they really do believe their own bullshit. But, if so, that makes them even more dangerous ... like the bright-eyed fanatics preaching in the town square. Weinstein is a perfect representative of Sartre's Bad Faith.

It's ironic that those who complain most about things like postmodernism tend to perfuse their rhetoric with complicated but misleading, jargonal, lingo intended to blind the audience with Science.

On June 20, 2021 1:31:09 AM PDT, Pieter Steenekamp <pieters at randcontrols.co.za> wrote:
>Why do you have a mind if you can't change it?

glen ⛧

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