[FRIAM] Big data forensics

David Eric Smith desmith at santafe.edu
Sat Jun 26 02:16:02 EDT 2021

Thanks Glen,

This link is good to know about.  

> On Jun 26, 2021, at 12:41 AM, glen ep ropella <gepr at tempusdictum.com> wrote:
> https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fcommonfund.nih.gov%2fbridge2ai&c=E,1,aXUvJKYD4ILX9hTVNqjJk2cGrS8SwvAVhd7ja-YI2jxBNSB_yJkVWVG3R_J-tWci0WZYpUlykq5CvrTJF4HuDph396KQkO6_Q8jJ_251o0hVRyhUiG4,&typo=1 It's a weird program with mantras like "hypothesis-agnostic data generation". And proposals will be evaluated without a "study section". I enthusiastically support it, despite being a dyed in the wool skeptic.

I would expect they would be investing in AI/ML avenues, but have not kept up and would not have known where to look.


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