[FRIAM] Shared intentionality as the hallmark of multicellular life

Jochen Fromm jofr at cas-group.net
Sat Jun 26 14:19:04 EDT 2021

At the moment I am reading the book "The righteous mind" from Jonathan Haidt. In chapter 9 "why are we so groupish" Jonathan discusses how "shared intentionality" and a shared mental representation helped our ancestors to form larger social groups and to move beyond the capabilities of our primate-like cousins. Words would not only be a link between a sound and an object but first of all an agreeenment among a group of people which sounds are linked to which objects.This chapter reminded me of Nick's article 20 years ago that "Intentionality is the Mark of the Vital". Would it make sense to say that shared intentionality is the hallmark of (multicellular) life and collective intelligence? This would fit to the thesis that the temples of the ancient Greek and the cathedrals of the Middle Ages are fossil remains of the phenotypes from ancient lifeforms. In my opinion the mental differs from the material because we perceive the "mental" usually on the level of the genotype but the "material" on the biological level of the phenotype. -J.
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