[FRIAM] best microphone?

Eric Charles eric.phillip.charles at gmail.com
Sun Nov 7 10:57:29 EST 2021

I got a Yeti Pro last summer and have been very happy with it. It comes
with software that will gate and suppress, as well as several other
features. If you're doing high end recording, it might not work, but it's
been just fine reducing normal home sounds from the background for my
purposes. Although, if background noise is your main concern, you might
just want to get a highly directional microphone with a good windscreen.
<echarles at american.edu>

On Sat, Nov 6, 2021 at 12:56 AM Gillian Densmore <gil.densmore at gmail.com>

> Like Carl said, they don't. you can use noise gates and noise
> supression settings for OBS, zoom, or what ever. you'll be using.  Headsets
> with noise cancelling (what streamers use), Lapel Mics[lavleiers]  will
> give a much better chance, even el-gato's with some pretty good built in
> filters and it's own hims from just being used helps give you a better
> chance filtering the sounds out. All that's insane overkill, and costly,
> for zoom. just a basic headset if your really bugged by background noises..
> On Fri, Nov 5, 2021 at 8:46 PM Marcus Daniels <marcus at snoutfarm.com>
> wrote:
>> Great.   I have my winter and non-winter workspaces so that gives me an
>> excuse to get several.
>> Thanks!
>> Marcus
>> *From:* Friam <friam-bounces at redfish.com> *On Behalf Of *Carl Tollander
>> *Sent:* Friday, November 5, 2021 7:14 PM
>> *To:* The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <
>> friam at redfish.com>
>> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] best microphone?
>> Generally, microphones don't do background noise processing (there are
>> probably some all-in-one mics that try but then you end up committed to the
>> associated app).   See below for thoughts on Zoom and noise.   Anyhow, be
>> forewarned, audio is a rabbit hole, with near it-seems-like-infinite
>> twiddleware.  Rewarding, if you want to go there, but I'm assuming you have
>> other fish to fry.
>> I teach Japanese drumming (Taiko) online, so I need to move (e.g. jump)
>> around a lot and stay in frame while I'm talking.  For others, this might
>> translate into leaning back in your chair away from the mic, or pacing
>> while composing a thought.
>> So, when I started all this, I got a wireless mic (Samson XPDm Headset
>> Digital Wireless System) plugged into a USB interface (the Scarlett brand
>> is pretty good for low-end work, I would avoid the PreSonus).  Check out
>> sweetwater.com  or bhphotovideo.com - their sales service is great, but
>> don't let them sell you software.
>> As I say, I like to move around and stay in frame while I'm talking.
>>  So, I also got an Obsbot Tiny camera.  *Much* better than the stock 2020
>> Macbook Pro laptop camera and it follows you around to keep you in frame.
>> obsbot.com  (no you do not need the software)  And yes, better than the
>> Logitech.  Plug and play.  It has its own mic built-in, but haven't messed
>> with it much yet.
>> There are *many* steps up.  They get expensive, mostly in terms of your
>> attention.   I can advise, but.....at the end of all this you might be
>> happy with a Rode podcaster mic.  If you do get hooked for music, Shure
>> (SM-57) and AudioTech (AT-220)  are good brands.  And then there are
>> various mixer boards and audio processing software...... Take care, or
>> audio will eat your head.
>> Zoom background noise processing is not awful, but best use depends quite
>> a bit on your rig, so you have to experiment.  Alas, there's no monitoring
>> function, so to experiment you have to record your session and play it back
>> or have a very patient friend on the other side of the conversation.  I've
>> also been messing with whereby.com as a Zoom alternative and sometimes
>> the latency is better.
>> At the end of all this you if you don't move around much you might be
>> happy with a Rode podcaster mic.
>> And then video mixing it a whole 'nother thing, but if you want multiple
>> cameras - look up "ATEM Mini".
>> Good luck, you'll need it.
>> Carl
>> On Fri, Nov 5, 2021 at 10:59 AM Marcus Daniels <marcus at snoutfarm.com>
>> wrote:
>> Anyone have suggestions for microphones for videoconferencing in an
>> environment with background noise?   The main background noise is nearby
>> fan noise, and sometimes also louder air conditioning.
>> Thanks,
>> Marcus
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