[FRIAM] Fwd: Regarding the Journal on Policy and Complex Systems (JPCS)
Russ Abbott
russ.abbott at gmail.com
Mon Oct 4 17:40:55 EDT 2021
If anyone is interested.
-- Russ Abbott
Professor Emeritus, Computer Science
California State University, Los Angeles
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Habib Maizoumbou Dan Aouta <hmaizoum at uncc.edu>
Date: Mon, Oct 4, 2021 at 8:30 AM
Subject: Regarding the Journal on Policy and Complex Systems (JPCS)
To: JPCS-group <JPCS-group at uncc.edu>
[image: Logo.png]
Dear JPCS Reader,
The Policy Studies Organization (PSO) is looking for a new Editor-in-Chief
for its Journal on Policy and Complex Systems (JPCS), published by the PSO
as an open access title. More information on the journal, board, and past
issues, can be found here:
An external website can also be found here:
We are very thankful to the outgoing Editor-in-Chief, professor Mirsad
Hadžikadić for all the great work he did on the journal since its
foundation in the Spring of 2014. Since then, JCPS has published
continuously twice a year a great variety of articles, promoting
professional and public understanding of the relationship between policy
and complex systems, and bringing together a thriving community of
multidisciplinary scholars.
We look forward to continuing publication of the journal with a new
Editor-in-Chief. Duties are those customary to the Editor-in-Chief of a
scholarly journal, including complete freedom to appoint staff, co-editors,
and boards, as wished, and make final decisions on the journal’s content.
PSO is responsible for all aspects of journal production, including website
maintenance, copyediting, layout and design, DOI registration, as well as
providing print copies to the editors, boards, and authors, as wished.
If you are interested, or want more information, please contact Daniel
Gutierrez, PSO Executive Director, at dgutierrezs at ipsonet.org or by phone
at (202) 795-9165.
The Policy Studies Organization is a non-profit, non-governmental
organization based in Washington, DC, with the goals to disseminate policy
scholarship and promote multidisciplinary conversation about current policy
Very best regards,
The Journal on Policy and Complex Systems.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
email to JPCS-group+unsubscribe at uncc.edu.
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