[FRIAM] Thread Bust: WAS: stygmergy, CA's, and [biological] development
thompnickson2 at gmail.com
thompnickson2 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 25 23:05:34 EDT 2021
Hi, Glen,
It was quite clear that CHAOS was a much more "powerful" program, but I got an error message when I went to download it, and about that time Steve's message came in. Miles has some passing familiarity with NetLogo and I don't think we need the power to demonstrate the essential point that a process can be fated to come out in a particular way even tho' none of the participants has any idea of what that fate is. How Sophocles-esque! But we do have the "Behe Problem". How does natural selection select for the genes that make the fate when the fate is a non-linear consequence of the genes. I suppose somebody has tried to select for different patterns as an outcome in a Net Logo model and see if selection could somehow dig down to the eight "genes" that make up the model. I used to think I understood how this was possible, but right now it seems like a hot potato again.
Maybe CHAOS would let me try that experiment.
Nick Thompson
ThompNickSon2 at gmail.com
-----Original Message-----
From: Friam <friam-bounces at redfish.com> On Behalf Of u?l? ?>$
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2021 1:09 PM
To: friam at redfish.com
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Thread Bust: WAS: stygmergy, CA's, and [biological] development
Here's a kitchen sink program. I downloaded and tested it.
Here's the results of my test for rule 30:
The highlighted rows in the middle were used to generate the horizontal banner at the bottom, which makes MIDI music out of that region. I didn't include the audio in the video.
On 10/24/21 10:37 PM, thompnickson2 at gmail.com wrote:
> Perhaps you are the person to answer this question: I have snared both of my grandchildren in CA #30, the -son because he is interested in pattern formation in regenerating planaria and the -daughter because she likes really neat stuff. I would like to give them simple programs so they could generate any one of the 256 rules and see the consequences of them. I thought I would find several readily at hand, but what I did was a serious of sites which schooled me to write such a program myself. I am too old for that. Do you know of any I could email to my -children? It is the first time in years that I have actually caught their fancy with something, so it would really make me happy.
"Better to be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie."
☤>$ uǝlƃ
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