[FRIAM] What can or can't (shouldn't) be said on FriAM...
David Eric Smith
desmith at santafe.edu
Thu Oct 28 04:48:10 EDT 2021
That should be from The Stonemason, no?
Took me a minute to register the frame.
Cormac worked as a stonemason for some years, and has strong cultural aesthetic views of what is and what isn’t stonemasonry. As well as a lot of lore and terminology.
> On Oct 28, 2021, at 12:22 AM, Gary Schiltz <gary at naturesvisualarts.com> wrote:
> Is that quote by Cormac McCarthy? One of his novels?
> On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 9:55 PM Jon Zingale <jonzingale at gmail.com <mailto:jonzingale at gmail.com>> wrote:
> """
> So, Jon, and all of you other ex-perts, Is it the case, or not? I can see that it might be the case for those of you who, unlike me, MIGHT become massively important to others later on. But is it, or is it not, the case for we ordinary mortals.
> """
> What I am making, perhaps too many, efforts to express is that gentlemen's agreements are agreements about what isn't simply given. They are pacts to act as if something were simply given, all the while acknowledging that if these touchstones were given, there would be no need to mention it.
> All men are mortal, but as McCarthy put it:
> So. Here are the dead fathers. Their spirit is entombed in the stone.
> It lies upon the land with the same weight and the same ubiquity. For
> whoever makes a shelter of reeds and hides has joined his spirit to the
> common destiny of creatures and he will subside back into the primal
> mud with scarcely a cry. But who builds in stone seeks to alter the
> structure of the universe...
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