[FRIAM] we are lost
Gary Schiltz
gary at naturesvisualarts.com
Thu Oct 28 15:30:39 EDT 2021
I have to agree with you, Nick. If we as a species are to survive, we've
got to stop this reversion back to our pre-civilized roots. I'm not really
a bleeding-heart liberal, but I do want to evolve beyond survival of the
On Thu, Oct 28, 2021 at 1:30 PM <thompnickson2 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok, So, Marcus,
> > What do categories want?
> Love, recognition and safety? Someone phone HR and get the ball rolling
> on a new policy!
> Spoken from the high perch of Irony. Irony is like wormwood, delightful
> in small doses but ultimately toxic. Do we not all want love, recognition,
> and safety? Do we also want excitement and challenge. Go figure! Some
> of us crave more of the one; some more of the other. Given the
> contradiction between those things, can we expect the right balance be
> guaranteed for each and every one of us, for all time? No. Of course
> not. But is that reason to mock human striving toward these goals? Or to
> mock Utilitarian attempts to facilitate their achievement? No. I don’t
> think so. Irony is a guilty pleasure. Even though I use it and enjoy it,
> I have to admit that it is a an abdication and fails as a policy.
> Nick
> Nick Thompson
> ThompNickSon2 at gmail.com
> https://wordpress.clarku.edu/nthompson/
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Friam <friam-bounces at redfish.com> On Behalf Of Marcus Daniels
> Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2021 8:18 AM
> To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <friam at redfish.com>
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] we are lost
> > So, not only do we attribute teleology to inanimate objects, weather,
> animals, and people, but also to the platonic solids. Which probably leads
> to:
> >
> > What do categories want?
> Love, recognition and safety? Someone phone HR and get the ball rolling
> on a new policy!
> Marcus
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