[FRIAM] Ordinary logic

Roger Critchlow rec at elf.org
Fri Apr 1 19:08:30 EDT 2022

Hey, I posted the arxiv papers for the mechanically coupled complex
adaptive organism a few weeks ago, no nervous system required for a
multicellular predator to pounce on a patch of algae, nervous systems are
entirely optional.

-- rec --

On Fri, Apr 1, 2022 at 5:11 PM Steve Smith <sasmyth at swcp.com> wrote:

> this discussion lead my free-associative, somewhat atrophied brain (or is
> it mind?) back to this paper:
> Digital Information Mechanics, Edward Fredkin 1981
> which I was surprised to find online (I think I have looked before).  I
> have a (very yellowed) paper copy of this in a dusty box at the bottom of a
> dusty stack of boxes somewhere.  I am about to re-read it (online) but felt
> I would just tangent wildly (as I am wont to do) if I did so before sending
> it to the group for your own thoughts.
> Fredkin himself handed me the paper copy when I met him at the Cellular
> Automata conference at LANL in 1983.  I was incredibly green at the time
> and quite eager in many dimensions, but this particular workshop/conference
> really blew me away in it's combination of abstractions and concrete
> examples.   From Wolfram's 4 categories of CA to meeting Conway, to seeing
> Crutchfield's video-feedback-as-CA, to having Feynman hisself introduce the
> Toffoli Gate and Drexler's work that became "Engines of Creation" in the
> context of reeling out his circa 1957 "Plenty of Room at the Bottom" talk.
> If I remember right, Margolis and/or Tofolli had a Toffoli-gate based CA
> hardware device at the conference that they couldn't quite keep running.
> Also, Gosper's memoised implementation of GoL added a whole other set of
> entropic implications with allusions to digital physics implied.
> I don't fully subscribe to the variations on Fredkin's "Digital
> Physics/Philosophy" or Wheeler's "It from Bit" and as hard as I try I can't
> penetrate far enough into Wolfram's variations to do more than wish I could
> and wonder if there is meaning (relevance?) in there?
>  Frank -
> Formal logic is not a god but exists independently of nervous systems.
> A -> B   <->   -B -> -A
> But is it *relevant* to anything independent of (central?) nervous
> systems?
> I know this isn't precisely what you meant, but I would suggest that
> formal logic and gods have more in common than not, being both artifacts
> *of* special kinds of symbols and transformation systems for them.  I don't
> know that molluscs (even cephalapods) have formal logics nor gods (though
> they may well be capable of some kind of arcane modeling and prediction
> that is in some sense equally powerful/useful/interesting).
> - Steve
> PS.  I liked EricCs reformulation of the scenario, it fit well how *I*
> parsed and sorted things out.
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