[FRIAM] Post-Quantum and networks workshop

Leigh Fanning leigh at versiera.net
Fri Apr 15 18:47:49 EDT 2022

Perhaps of interest to this list.


----- Forwarded message from "sofi... at gmail.com" <soficeli0 at gmail.com> -----

Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2022 15:29:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: "sofi... at gmail.com" <soficeli0 at gmail.com>
To: pqc-forum <pqc-forum at list.nist.gov>
Subject: [pqc-forum] Post-Quantum and networks workshop

Dear colleagues,

We are organising the Post-Quantum and networks workshop (PQNet) 2022 
happening next week at April 19th and 20th, as an affiliated event to Real 
World Crypto 2022. It is an online event.

The Post-Quantum and Networks workshop serves to bring together the 
industry, academia and standardisation bodies to think about the task of 
integrating post-quantum algorithms to networks and systems we use today. 
It aims to think around it from an efficiency, usability, deployability, 
and privacy perspective. It aims to highlight the importance and challenges 
of deploying these algorithms into real-world networks, as well as of 
standardising these complex cryptographic protocols.

The speakers and talks can be found 
here: https://sofiaceli.com/PQNet-Workshop/ The talks are mainly focus on 
TLS and DNSSEC this time. Registration can be found on the link as well.

We look forward to seeing some of you there!

Sofía Celi

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