[FRIAM] Devils Dictionary

glen gepropella at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 11:50:54 EDT 2022

In the wishlist! Thanks.


On 4/25/22 09:48, Steve Smith wrote:
> On the topic of recent books and local authors:
> I just finished Steven Kotler's latest work of Fiction - "The Devil's Dictionary <https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250202093/thedevilsdictionary>".  Kotler, who some of you may know lived here (near Chimayo on their Rancho de Chihuahua dog-rescue property) for about 10 years before moving on to build a house in the Tahoe area after finally hitting the big time working with the likes of Peter Diamandis.  He and Joy probably have 1000 rescued Chihuahuas on-property there.
>     https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250202093/thedevilsdictionary
> Kotler is a "Friend of FriAM" (or at least SFx) though I don't know if he ever attended any coffee's or weigh in on the list. He's been a hyper-manic wildman since I met him at a neuroscience conference in 2008, moving roughly twice as fast as anyone else I know.  I helped him build a BMX dirt-track in his back yard overlooked by a writers-shack he built at Rancho de Chihuahua (chronicled in his book A Small Furry Prayer <https://www.stevenkotler.com/book-pages/small-furry-prayer>).  He did a reading for this one at SFx when it came out, some of you may have attended.   SteveG (and others here?) used to bomb moguls with Kotler.  I can't find he videos offhand but there are some from Furry Prayer era of him running arroyos with a whole pack of rescued chihuahua mixes.
> Devil's Dictionary is a sequel to his "Last Tango in Cyberspace" of a few years ago.   Kotler weaves a LOT of contemporary topics from Climate Change to Gene Editing to Synthetic Drugs to Crypto into this Day-after-tomorrow CyberPunkEsque story with lots of thinly disguised references to his own life and work as well as to classic SciFi tropes.
> I'm not sure I would recommend this book to most of the crue here, but definitely DaveW and maybe Marcus and Glen and Jon.  It focuses heavily on intuitive/empathic/flow experiences with drug-enhancement and cutting (bleeding?) edge tech with the kind of cacophonic wild ride that Cyberpunk usually carries with it.  I definitely enjoyed it myself.
> On 4/25/22 9:43 AM, Barry MacKichan wrote:
>> Preston and a friend rode horses from the Mexican border at Rio Pedro to Albuquerque and on to Santa Fe eventually. This is approximately the route that Coronado took in 1540. Some parts of it were in scary-rough mountains. He wrote a book about it:
>> “Cities of Gold: A Journey Across the American Southwest in Pursuit of Coronado”
>> Abraham Lincoln’s name became well known in 1858 when he and the incumbent senator for Illinois, Senator Douglas, had a series of debates called the “Lincoln - Douglas debates” that most of us in the US read about in school. This comes to mind whenever I think of Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child debate plot points in their collaboration.😏
>> —Barry
>> On 22 Apr 2022, at 14:53, Jochen Fromm wrote:
>>     I've recently read "Diablo Mesa" from Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. It is surprisingly good and combines Roswell, Aliens, FBI and even the SFI :-) As you know Douglas Preston moved to Santa Fe in 1986.
>>     <https://www.prestonchild.com/books/diablomesa/diablo-mesa-a-nora-kelly-novel;art622,644>

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