[FRIAM] talking to bots is fun for everyone

glen gepropella at gmail.com
Mon Dec 26 19:21:48 EST 2022

This exchange was interesting. I've never seen ⊃° used.

me: Can you tell me what this means: "∀v_i(v_i=v_1'⊃∀v_1(v_1=v_i⊃F))"?

gpt: This is a formula in first-order logic, a system for expressing logical statements and arguments.

The symbol "∀" is the universal quantifier, which means "for all." It is followed by a variable, "v_i," which is being quantified over. The variable "v_i" is used to represent an arbitrary element in some set.

The formula inside the parentheses, "(v_i=v_1'⊃∀v_1(v_1=v_i⊃F))," is a conditional statement, meaning that the formula on the right side of the "⊃" symbol (called the "consequent") is true only if the formula on the left side of the "⊃" symbol (called the "antecedent") is true.

The antecedent of the conditional statement is "v_i=v_1'." The symbol "=" means "is equal to," so this formula states that the variable "v_i" is equal to the variable "v_1'."

The consequent of the conditional statement is "∀v_1(v_1=v_i⊃F)." The symbol "∀" is again a universal quantifier, this time quantifying over the variable "v_1." The formula inside the parentheses, "(v_1=v_i⊃F)," is another conditional statement. The antecedent of this inner conditional is "v_1=v_i," which states that the variable "v_1" is equal to the variable "v_i." The consequent of this inner conditional is the logical constant "F," which stands for "false."

Putting it all together, the overall formula can be read as: "For all v_i, if v_i is equal to v_1', then for all v_1, if v_1 is equal to v_i, then false." This formula asserts that if v_i is equal to v_1', then no element v_1 can be equal to v_i.

me: What is the difference between ⊃ and ⊢.

gpt: The symbol "⊃" is the logical symbol for "implies." It is used to form conditional statements in which the formula on the right is true only if the formula on the left is true. For example, the formula "A ⊃ B" can be read as "A implies B," and it means that if A is true, then B must also be true.

The symbol "⊢" is the logical symbol for "entails." It is used to express the relationship between a set of premises and a conclusion in a logical argument. For example, the formula "A, B ⊢ C" can be read as "A and B entail C," and it means that if A and B are true, then C must also be true.

In other words, "⊃" is used to connect two formulas in a conditional statement, whereas "⊢" is used to connect a set of premises to a conclusion in a logical argument.

me: What is the difference between ⊃ and ⇒?

gpt: The symbol "⊃" is the logical symbol for "implies." It is used to form conditional statements in which the formula on the right is true only if the formula on the left is true. For example, the formula "A ⊃ B" can be read as "A implies B," and it means that if A is true, then B must also be true.

The symbol "⇒" is also a logical symbol for "implies." It is used in the same way as "⊃" to form conditional statements, with the formula on the left being the antecedent and the formula on the right being the consequent. For example, the formula "A ⇒ B" can be read as "A implies B," and it means that if A is true, then B must also be true.

In other words, "⊃" and "⇒" are equivalent and can be used interchangeably to express the idea of implication in logical statements.

me: What is the difference between ⊃ and ⊂?

gpt: The symbol "⊃" is the logical symbol for "implies." It is used to form conditional statements in which the formula on the right is true only if the formula on the left is true. For example, the formula "A ⊃ B" can be read as "A implies B," and it means that if A is true, then B must also be true.

The symbol "⊂" is the logical symbol for "proper subset." It is used in set theory to indicate that one set is a proper subset of another set, meaning that it is a subset but not equal to the set. For example, the formula "A ⊂ B" means that the set A is a proper subset of the set B, and it can be read as "A is a proper subset of B."

In other words, "⊃" is a logical symbol used to form conditional statements, whereas "⊂" is a logical symbol used to express the relationship between sets.

me: What is the difference between ⊃ and ⊇?

gpt: The symbol "⊃" is the logical symbol for "implies." It is used to form conditional statements in which the formula on the right is true only if the formula on the left is true. For example, the formula "A ⊃ B" can be read as "A implies B," and it means that if A is true, then B must also be true.

The symbol "⊇" is the logical symbol for "superset." It is used in set theory to indicate that one set is a superset of another set, meaning that it contains all the elements of the other set and possibly some additional elements as well. For example, the formula "A ⊇ B" means that the set A is a superset of the set B, and it can be read as "A is a superset of B."

In other words, "⊃" is a logical symbol used to form conditional statements, whereas "⊇" is a logical symbol used to express the relationship between sets.

me: What is the logical symbol for subset?

gpt: The symbol "⊆" is the logical symbol for "subset." It is used in set theory to indicate that one set is a subset of another set, meaning that it contains all the elements of the other set and possibly some additional elements as well. For example, the formula "A ⊆ B" means that the set A is a subset of the set B, and it can be read as "A is a subset of B."

A subset is a set that is contained within another set. For example, if A is the set {1, 2, 3} and B is the set {1, 2, 3, 4}, then A is a subset of B. If a set is a proper subset of another set, it means that it is a subset but not equal to the set. For example, if A is the set {1, 2, 3} and B is the set {1, 2, 3, 4}, then A is a proper subset of B.

The symbol "⊂" is also used to denote proper subset. The difference between "⊆" and "⊂" is that "⊆" denotes that a set is a subset, including the possibility of being equal to the set, whereas "⊂" denotes that a set is a proper subset, meaning that it is strictly contained within the set and is not equal to it.

me: What is the symbol for proper superset?

gpt: The symbol "⊃" is the logical symbol for "proper superset." It is used in set theory to indicate that one set is a proper superset of another set, meaning that it contains all the elements of the other set and some additional elements as well, but is not equal to the set. For example, the formula "A ⊃ B" means that the set A is a proper superset of the set B, and it can be read as "A is a proper superset of B."

A superset is a set that contains all the elements of another set and possibly some additional elements as well. For example, if A is the set {1, 2, 3, 4} and B is the set {1, 2, 3}, then A is a superset of B. If a set is a proper superset of another set, it means that it is a superset but not equal to the set. For example, if A is the set {1, 2, 3, 4} and B is the set {1, 2, 3}, then A is a proper superset of B.

The symbol "⊇" is also used to denote superset. The difference between "⊃" and "⊇" is that "⊃" denotes that a set is a proper superset, meaning that it strictly contains the set and is not equal to it, whereas "⊇" denotes that a set is a superset, including the possibility of being equal to the set.

me: So ⊃ can mean either proper superset or implication?

gpt: No, "⊃" is only used as the logical symbol for "implies." It is used to form conditional statements in which the formula on the right is true only if the formula on the left is true. For example, the formula "A ⊃ B" can be read as "A implies B," and it means that if A is true, then B must also be true.

The symbol "⊃" is not used in set theory to denote "proper superset." Instead, the symbol "⊇" is used to denote "superset," including the possibility of being equal to the set, and the symbol "⊃" is not used in set theory at all.

In set theory, "proper superset" is usually denoted by the symbol "⊃" followed by a small circle (°). For example, the formula "A ⊃° B" means that the set A is a proper superset of the set B, and it can be read as "A is a proper superset of B."

ꙮ Mɥǝu ǝlǝdɥɐuʇs ɟᴉƃɥʇ' ʇɥǝ ƃɹɐss snɟɟǝɹs˙ ꙮ

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