[FRIAM] Double Master Function (was Re: bad covid story)

Prof David West profwest at fastmail.fm
Wed Feb 2 16:13:17 EST 2022

Hey ... if Feyerabend is among your faves, why do you give me so much s..t when I challenge science? Is it personal? Bet it is.


On Wed, Feb 2, 2022, at 12:36 PM, glen wrote:
> No relation at all! I chose that theorem arbitrarily just to 
> distinguish when I post from my newly configured TBird client versus 
> other clients. Never ascribe intelligence where stochasticity will 
> suffice. I could have equally chosen something from Zelazny or 
> Feyerabend, two other members of the set of my favorite people.
> On 2/2/22 12:20, Stephen Guerin wrote:
>> Two days after Christmas, your signature switched to
>>     --
>>     glen
>>     Theorem 3. There exists a double master function.
>>  From Recursion Theory for MetaMathematics <http://www.logic-books.info/sites/default/files/recursion_theory_for_metamathematics_oxford_logic_guides.pdf>
>> image.png
>> I am intrigued but not mathematically fluent enough to get to an intuition. Did this come up earlier in the list that I missed?
>> Can you explain in another way?  What relation, if any, might there be to my obsession with bidirectional diffusion (flood fill) algorithms)
> -- 
> glen
> Theorem 3. There exists a double master function.
> .-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
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