[FRIAM] Double Master Function (was Re: bad covid story)

glen gepropella at gmail.com
Wed Feb 2 20:17:20 EST 2022

No word yet!?!? My cynicism says it won't happen.

The World Needs a ‘Chronicles of Amber’ TV Show

Just for kicks, here's some of the art in my 1981 copy of Madwand:


On 2/2/22 16:01, Steve Smith wrote:
> On 2/2/22 1:36 PM, glen wrote:
>> No relation at all! I chose that theorem arbitrarily just to distinguish when I post from my newly configured TBird client versus other clients. Never ascribe intelligence where stochasticity will suffice. I could have equally chosen something from Zelazny or Feyerabend, two other members of the set of my favorite people.
> MadWand strikes again!

Theorem 3. If f(x) is a continuous function of period 2π, then f(x,r)→f(x) as r→1, uniformly ∀x.

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