[FRIAM] Agentscript steganography for distributing model code with an image (was Re: ... --- ...)

Steve Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Thu Feb 10 15:07:34 EST 2022

Excellent analysis Glen...

On 2/10/22 12:30 PM, glen wrote:
> Excellent! Transparency is inadequate, though. As with open-source, 
> transparency reduces to reachability, which facilitates hacking by 
> obscurity, one of the many kinds of supply chain channels we're seeing 
> so much of in the news these days. E.g. the recent chainsaw 
> vulnerability. ... or, perhaps more appropriately, the recent, 
> *quiet*, Tesla module elision: 
> https://jalopnik.com/tesla-chip-shortage-fix-was-to-pull-steering-components-1848498652
> It's also akin to hiding persnickety little "terms of use" clauses in 
> huge contracts that nobody reads, then using those obscure, but 
> totally transparent, clauses to, say, kick you off Youtube or whatnot.
> In addition to transparency, you need something like "flatness" ... 
> like the holographic principle, where everything that's inside you or 
> your service is visible by the laity on the surface. The unix 
> philosophy handles this by wrapping little tools as little "monads" 
> that do one thing, well. Any large, systemically complex package will 
> prevent such flatness. It can be mitigated with "pipes" (e.g. 
> <https://www.howtogeek.com/438882/how-to-use-pipes-on-linux/>) or 
> "data flow" architectures because the flatness lies in their 
> sequentiality. But the control surfaces for any modern application 
> prevents such flatness through sequentiality. Everyone insists on 
> immediate gratification and interruptibility.
> The better path is to target *credibility*, rather than verifiability. 
> But, as our modern political discourse demonstrates, credibility is 
> susceptible to tribalism. So we need a hybrid approach that balances 
> sequentiality, walkable depth, and character/credibility.
> On 2/10/22 10:45, Stephen Guerin wrote:
>> Yes, we do have chrome extension that could look for code in any 
>> image in your browser. We're trying to design a network to deploy 
>> BuenWare - is there a better prefix for virally good software 
>> that benefits your digital metabolism and connection to the earth?
>> We're currently using the extension to be a persistent compute and 
>> storage node on our "acequia" p2p network. It can also screen share 
>> and open the web camera on phone or desktop. Of course, the trick to 
>> all of this is transparency and creating a "sousveillant" network vs 
>> a surveillant. Ala Brin's "Transparent Society" book.

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