[FRIAM] var temp = "FU*."+U'EDDDIT' +_+' ";

Gillian Densmore gil.densmore at gmail.com
Thu Jul 7 06:43:50 EDT 2022

var count = (temp.match(/FU/u/EDDITED[*999]) || []).length;

Output: ?

Bein one of them... mornings! got up stiffer than well aged scotch, figured
'herb' would help. Then the gd water diffuser fell. The body is fine the
part to to put herb is broken. :(
The. thing wasn't anywhere neer the edge just randomly fell of and the
bowl  for the rest of the.___ flew out and hit the floor. but otherwise the
**** is fine. Sigh
But what might have caused a bo--- to yeet itself off a the middle of a
I also wonder where to get a replacement part. i've read that silicon fine
now is their any truth to that I can't imagine plastic+heat is good idea.
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