[FRIAM] A (literal) tech problem that got upset today.

Gillian Densmore gil.densmore at gmail.com
Fri Jul 8 17:43:57 EDT 2022

My internet connection for the whole week has been crashing. I was gifted 3
"Eero mesh routers". I had been using, a KFA early Linsys modem. I think it
was regular simply wireless and that thing fell appart. Literally. :( Loved
Problem as  ticket:
Expected result: Modem or router has rock soli uptime
Actual Result: The router or Modem causing both to hard lock requiring
turning on and off and coaxing it them to reboot making them as cold as as
blue ice in several bags can get.
(Hack that work for androids  and surprised it  worked for the modem and
Does anyone with more experience (an knowledge) have some starting trouble
shooting tips

What upsets me is I already have enough weird Karma and things goin on. I
am so don with tech stuff, that's so. "Well it's bitchy! and that sucks!)
Toay I wanted to strangle someone because it' friday and wanted to do
some(indoor ) working out since 3 days of walking around malls had pushed.
But all them techno things? none of them just work!; Windows: i have a lot
upates: browser; can I eat all your ram? then the straw: the router and
wifi having a hissy fit.
Can we please murder the infuratin inustry thing of tech that takes the
GAOAT level of Comp Sci represented here just to program the microwave? (or
Look at this truly obnoxous list: want directions? hope you live in a sweet
spot! Want to just o netflix and chill? some app or os will tell you to
update, and that's not even getting to the spgehetti code of Windows an
I for one are done.
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