[FRIAM] Fwd: Holtec in NM .... sacrifice zone

Steve Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Fri Jul 15 14:33:51 EDT 2022

Merle -

Despite 3 decades inside the belly of the LANL/DOE/NNSA beast and an 
apologist for MAD at least up until the fall of the Soviet Union I am no 
fan of Nuclear Power (much less Weapons).  Two of my close neighbors are 
veterans of the LANL nuclear-waste-disposal industry and *are* 
apologists/proponents for that whole business model, but transparently 
(to me) based on the way their bread was (and still is) buttered by all 
of that.   They are otherwise pretty good, positive, hopeful people (as 
we first worlders go) but have a blind spot the size of that buttered 
bread that means we have no substantially meaningful conversations in 
that area.

Holtec and the state/national politics of NIMB are yet another tragedy 
of our failed experiments of representative democracy, and manic 
hypercapitalism.  I do NOT hold utopian hypersocialist or hypercommunist 
fantasies, nor have any interest in promoting the myth of the "benign 
dictator" either, and am discouraged by how the tug-of-war between 
parties and the ideologies they espouse "tramples the grass" (to 
mis-quote Glen's inverted signature line).

Spending 2 months traveling/hanging in northern Europe, trying to suss 
out how different *that* manic hypercapitalist suite of representative 
democracies/societies function (nation by nation, subculture by 
subculture, and the EU Federation at-large) with the added parallax of 
Brexit and Russia's War on Ukraine and NATO/West's War on Russia's 
economy, I am at least mildly hopeless that we (the collective 
industrialized West/humanity-at-large) are on any path to resolution of 
the looming existential threats that are auto-generated by our 
short-sighted excesses.  At least not in the modes (primarily political) 
we are pursuing.

Anyone here read(ing) Feffer's Splinterlands 

Your organized (global existential threats) meeting in Stockholm in 2019 
gave me some new insight and hope in this regard... recently my 
re-readings of Bateson... some posts here, and a deeper dive into 
Terrence Deacon have been a good distraction if not a hint of an exit 
ramp from the blunt hopelessness that too much staring at a problem can 

BTW, I did find the OP in your thread's use of Instagram disingenous in 
the way Glen often points out that we oldsters often completely miss the 
"appropriate use" of different technologies.  I'm sure her intentions 
were good, trying to expand the audience for the message or avoid 
various (self/other) censoring by platform/channel?  But I personally 
restrict my use of Instagram to "photoblogging" with text and especially 
politically oriented content extremely limited (e.g. I let BLM into my 
stream for a day).  Among those who fled FB because of it's rampant 
politicization, I find many who went to IG to have turned around and 
re-injected the same energy.  As (??? Kempis/Berra/kabat-zinn/watts/??)  
famously said, "no matter where you go, there you are"?

<deleted threadjack tangent reflecting on morphodynamics cum 
teleodynamics and the future of humanity/the-biosphere>

- Steve

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