[FRIAM] reason number god knows what why computers now blow

Gillian Densmore gil.densmore at gmail.com
Tue Jun 28 19:43:35 EDT 2022

Just  chilling trying to relax, on windows 10 FWIW. I don't know a single
day where that gd thing doesn't make me want to stab someone. Just now for
instance? steam had a gd hissy fit. why? because some random pak file was
horked up in a update. Thing is, the DNA. and spirit of this psychotic
drive to perfection in tech...without asking: is it working?
My answer is not at the moment. So why aren't we fixing this trainwreck of:
every gd thing wan'ts some specific thingamdog, then oh letspray you live
in a first world country (ie not the US) and that the gremlins are nice
pixies happy, and stars align to something other than cthulu and haster

When t he hell are we going to stop and make ---- that ---works without
need a PHD in comp. sci, can code in python upside down, and transpile C+
to DotNET on the fifth full bloody moon of blah blah blah.

When common stuff like steam, google and apple are having a f'n hissy fit
something went FN wrong.
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