Frank Wimberly wimberly3 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 20:03:59 EST 2022

I saw that in Pittsburgh when I was a graduate student.  It made a strong
impression on me but I hadn't thought of it in years until you
mentioned it, Dave.  "Votre nom et profesión?"  That one, right?

Frank C. Wimberly
140 Calle Ojo Feliz,
Santa Fe, NM 87505

505 670-9918
Santa Fe, NM

On Wed, Mar 9, 2022, 10:19 AM Prof David West <profwest at fastmail.fm> wrote:

> Being old enough to remember the film, I find some irony in the symbol "Z"
> being used to signify support for the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
> One of my favorite movies, *Z*  (starring Yves Montand and Irene Pappas;
> written and directed by Costa-Gravas) was based on the real-life story of
> the overthrow of the Greek Fascist Junta (Regime of the Colonels) in 1974.
> davew
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