[FRIAM] Patriotic Millionaires

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Thu Mar 10 12:09:01 EST 2022


I could almost see a dead-or-alive.com type site where people from all parts of the world could put in bids on various sorts of paramilitary operations.
Put a billion dollars on a Putin’s or his administration that would probably get it done.   Just a dollar a person.

From: Friam <friam-bounces at redfish.com> On Behalf Of Steve Smith
Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 10:26 AM
To: friam at redfish.com
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Patriotic Millionaires

I was tempted to start a new thread, but this one has become so frayed (as our threads oft do) that it feels it doesn't really matter.

I mentioned a couple of times an evacuation effort by Mary's nephew&wife in Wisconsin of a young woman they hosted in an exchange program a few years ago.   Here is the GoFundMe they stood up which helped to get her as far as Krakow (now a couple of days ago).   They increased the raise by a few $K as they discovered the legal expenses likely to be incurred for getting her properly "invited" to the US legally.  It isn't clear that is even possible even though she has a vested sponsor here (Will and Krystine)


I am not specifically soliciting contributions here, though I am sure they would appreciate more support of that kind.  The point is more to put a personal face/circumstance to what is going on which is 2 degrees from FriAM, if that matters to anyone.

I think support of former Warsaw-pact countries bordering Ukraine and of Russian people (with some level of resistance to Putin's war) is as useful/important as the acute support of any individual.  In this case, I am supporting Vlada's journey for both reasons... family loyalty to help those who care about her relieve their own stress by helping her directly... and trusting that removing her from the pool of refugees building up in Poland and the community (Govs,NGOs,private individuals) resources consumed to help her tread water there.   If we could institute a buddy program easily I would support her bringing a friend/acquaintance to a welcoming home/community outside of Madison WI.
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