[FRIAM] Fwd: International firm to invest $254M in ABQ hydrogen factory -- ABQ Journal

glen gepropella at gmail.com
Fri Mar 11 12:42:49 EST 2022

+1 Even though I have a pickup that I don't use as intended, my experiments with the motorcycle and bicycle for everyday commuting have failed for the most part. But I'd push for a compromise within a spectrum of non-car solutions, a manifold approach like:

1) ban all cars from downtown areas,
2) build bike-sized personal transport that doesn't depend on balanced control,
3) optimize for multi-person transport between dense populations and oft-traveled routes,
4) self-driving cars for diaspora into suburban/rural areas.

Bicycles/skateboards/scooters don't work for all sorts of reasons (sight, balance, carpal tunnel, rain/snow/ice, freight, etc.). People movers only work for some use cases. Etc. ≥4 person things like cars have obvious problems, but also obvious use cases.

Part of the problem, of course, would be to get enough people on board, to centralize the plan enough, to make it do any good ... for the climate or whatever problems we're trying to solve.

On 3/11/22 09:30, cody dooderson wrote:
> I think a global ban on automobiles would go a long way in GGE, without having to resort to nuclear winter and massive population culling. I am also a proponent of getting rid of automobiles because I am totally sick of them. I would really like to be able to leave my house without having to constantly dodge speeding hunks of metal.

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