[FRIAM] books by cheng and chang

Roger Critchlow rec at elf.org
Tue Nov 1 22:36:39 EDT 2022

Interesting visit with my old boss/friend today, he mentioned some books of
interest, and while looking for them I discovered yet another book.

Eugenia Cheng, The Joy of Abstraction: An Exploration of Math, Category
Theory, and Life, published October 2022.

A presentation of category theory that keeps the underlying algebra basic.

Hasok Chang, Inventing Temperature: Measurement and Scientific Progress

An itemized history of temperature and all the wrong turns taken along the
way, more detail than even the author cares to read again.  Poetic justice
to examine the operation of the pragmatist's ratchet and pawl over the
centuries as it rescues workable definitions of temperature from thermal

Hasok Chang, Realism for Realistic People: A New Pragmatist Philosophy of
Science, available on kindle on November 30, 2022.

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