[FRIAM] collective sheepishness

Steve Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Mon Nov 21 12:55:59 EST 2022

Roger -
> From hackernews
> https://www.nature.com/articles/s41567-022-01769-8
> corrected link from comments to
> "Sheep flocks alternate their leader and achieve collective intelligence"
> The secret sauce of american democracy.
> -- rec --

I wasn't able to read the (paywall) article, but was intrigued by the 
abstract's implications.

The following concluding statement felt a little *projective*

    /Our analysis suggests that it is possible to conceive intermittent
    collective strategies that take advantage of both hierarchical and
    democratic organizational schemes./

But I assume the terms of question (democratic/hierarchical) are 
shortcuts for more subtle/complex concepts that they elaborate in the 

I'm not a close follower of Swarm literature but I assume there is 
already precedent for thinking about "leader election" (to defer to the 
democracy analogy)... maybe you or someone else has more insight into 
what they are saying here and how it fits into the larger body of study?

- Steve
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