[FRIAM] collective sheepishness

David Eric Smith desmith at santafe.edu
Mon Nov 21 17:08:08 EST 2022

I wonder if there are ADHD sheep, who always want to move because after a few seconds they are bored where they are.

In a random assignment of leadership (leadersheep?), the ADHD ones might show up to take the lead role much more often, since they want to move much more often.

Come to think of it, I wonder how Aeschylus believed this should have been navigated in early Athenian democracies.

Maybe sheep also manage reputational effects, and discount the constant agitation of the always-bored (?)


> On Nov 21, 2022, at 9:26 AM, Roger Critchlow <rec at elf.org> wrote:
> From hackernews 
> https://www.nature.com/articles/s41567-022-01769-8 <https://www.nature.com/articles/s41567-022-01769-8>
> corrected link from comments to 
> "Sheep flocks alternate their leader and achieve collective intelligence"
> The secret sauce of american democracy.
> -- rec --
> -. --- - / ...- .- .-.. .. -.. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .
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