[FRIAM] [WedTech] Cleve Moler/Jack Dongarra visits

Stephen Guerin stephen.guerin at simtable.com
Tue Oct 4 01:30:21 EDT 2022

I RSVP'ed - looking forward to Jack's lecture and reception!

I up for a carpool, too.
Stephen.Guerin at Simtable.com <stephen.guerin at simtable.com>
CEO, https://www.simtable.com <http://www.simtable.com/>
1600 Lena St #D1, Santa Fe, NM 87505
office: (505)995-0206 mobile: (505)577-5828

On Mon, Oct 3, 2022 at 4:13 PM Angel Edward <edward.angel at gmail.com> wrote:

> Some of you should remember Cleve from FRIAM when he was living in Santa
> Fe. Others of you have used Matlab, which he created while he was a Math
> Professor at UNM. Later, when he was chair of the CS Dept and I was running
> the computer engineering program, we were giving out the first FORTRAN
> version to anyone who sent us a mag tape. Now Matlab is used by almost
> every engineer in the world and Mathworks has thousands of employees around
> the world.
> Jack Dongarra was Cleve’s PhD student ayt UNM   and recently was awarded
> the 2022 Turing Prize. Jack will be giving a talk at UNM next Monday
> followed by a reception. You can find out more and sign up to attend at
> https://unmresearch.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4NNI0KueAiPIAS2?Q_CHL=qr.
> Last week, UNM and Mathworks signed the papers to create the Cleve
> Moler/Mathworks Endowed Professorship in Mathematical and Engineering
> Software in CS at UNM. Cleve will be coming out next week for Jack’s talk.
> He’ll probably come up to Santa Fe during the week.
> A note for Stephen, Owen and some of you others who were in my “class” on
> graphics at Redfish. Summer 2021, Rose Mary and I spent about five days
> with Cleve and Patsy in Maryland. I was finally able to get Cleve excited
> about Computer Graphics. We spent a couple of days taking the parametric
> equations for pastas from the book “Pasta By Design” into Matlab and then
> displaying the images. Subsequently, Cleve’s devoted a whole series on his
>  Cleve’s  Corner blog on the Mathworks site to computer graphics.
> Ed
> __________
> Ed Angel
> Founding Director, Art, Research, Technology and Science Laboratory (ARTS
> Lab)
> Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, University of New Mexico
> 1017 Sierra Pinon
> Santa Fe, NM 87501
> 505-984-0136 (home)   edward.angel at gmail.com
> 505-453-4944 (cell)  http://www.cs.unm.edu/~angel
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