[FRIAM] Wedtech Talk Oct 19: Richard Gabriel, AI, Creativity and the Inkwell Poetry Generator. (hybrid in-person/zoom)

Gillian Densmore gil.densmore at gmail.com
Sun Oct 16 17:33:02 EDT 2022

Coolness! Is it only writing? or going to advances in 3D where Ai shows
some promise to do as well or better than mere mortal humans? Because a
computes is coming to a practical wall of cost, amount of silicon and chip
density. Is reaching a practical limit from power draw to to expenses. Ai,
Tensor Cores, and asynchronous computing clocks at the system and chip
levels, are looking to need Ai to coordinate things as well as boost power
and blah blah blah. A fall out of that is Neuronets do weirdly great and
vastly accelerating compute times in raytracing, and ray marching. I assume
people on this list can Eli5 to me why.
I seem to recall somewhat recently, someone showing off how Ai can do some
amount of 3D modelling. Anyone know anything about that? I think it was a
proof of concept. Someone from MIT and Nvidia shows how a neuronet if given
some kind of description did a not to bad job making buildings and some
limited simulated physics. I don't know anything about the stupendous
effort that'd go into that though.
Onestep closer to star trek! LOL, oh c'mon you know we're thinking it. I'm
just typing it.

On Sun, Oct 16, 2022 at 10:52 AM Stephen Guerin <stephen.guerin at simtable.com>

> Speaker: Richard Gabriel
> Location: Simtable office
> Time: Oct 19 1230p
> will be streamed at https://zoom.redfish.com
> pizza will be avail for lunch. $5 a slice.
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Steve Smith <sasmyth at swcp.com>
> My hack at the basics of an announcement for Gabriel/Wetdtech.
> Our FriAM member-at-large, Jenny Quillen is visiting Santa Fe this week
> and has Richard Gabriel in tow.   He has agreed to give a WedTech talk this
> week (10/19) and the nominal topic will be on AI and Creativity, using
> examples from his Poetry Generator: Inkwell.
> Some of you know Richard's long and storied history and career much better
> than I, so I will just drop a few links in here for those who do not:
> Richard Gabriel's Wikipedia page
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_P._Gabriel>
> Personal Website: Dreamsongs <https://dreamsongs.com/>
> Inkwell <https://dreamsongs.com/Files/InkWell.pdf>
> and a scholarly reflection on The Nature of Poetic Order
> <http://www.natureoforder.com/library/nature-of-poetic-order.pdf> which
> reflects on many of the ideas from Christopher Alexander's Opus: the Nature
> of Order <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Nature_of_Order> in the
> context of poetry, what makes it work, and what makes it fail.  Among many
> other things, Gabriel has been a significant figure in the Pattern's
> community.
> -. --- - / ...- .- .-.. .. -.. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .
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