[FRIAM] Call blockers

Barry MacKichan barry.mackichan at mackichan.com
Wed Apr 19 10:17:38 EDT 2023

I like Frank’s solution, but I’m also interested in a solution for 
our land line. The other option for the land line is to cancel it 
entirely, but about six weeks ago I got a call from a friend who looked 
us up when he was in Santa Fe, which is when he found out we had moved. 
He found our land line number and I just happened to be around when his 
call came in, and his caller id was announced by voice bot that lives in 
our land line. We might not have reconnected had I discontinued the land 
line. TBH, though, I had been trying to get his number — we were both 
thinking about the upcoming 60th anniversary of our canoe trip to York 
Factory on Hudson’s Bay.


On 18 Apr 2023, at 15:23, Frank Wimberly wrote:

> My Google phone warns me of suspected spam calls.  When it does so I 
> have
> the choice of "Screening" the call, blocking it, or answering it.  If 
> I
> select "Screen" the caller hears
> "Hi.  The person you are calling is using a Google screening service.
> Please say your name and the reason you are calling.  The person will 
> get a
> recording and transcript of what you say."
> Or words to that effect.  Almost nobody leaves a message.
> ---
> Frank C. Wimberly
> 140 Calle Ojo Feliz,
> Santa Fe, NM 87505
> 505 670-9918
> Santa Fe, NM
> On Tue, Apr 18, 2023, 12:47 PM Nicholas Thompson 
> <thompnickson2 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Phellow Phriammers,
>> After having my phone completely tied up by robocalls during some 
>> medical
>> troubles, I put out cold hard cash for the CPR Call Blocker 
>> recommended by
>> my carrier.  I have now blocked 70 numbers, and new ones come in 
>> daily,
>> although  the rate has substantially decreased.  I have to say, 
>> pressing
>> that big red block button is very satisfying.  It also has a 
>> mass-blocking
>> function for voip-rogue calls, name withheld calls, private caller
>> calls,and any area code you take a dislike to.
>>  Still I have questions.
>> 1.  Has anybody else tried this device?
>> 2.  Do you fully understand the navigation functions
>> 3.  Is it working for you?
>> 4.   Do you have any wisdom to share?
>> I  chatted up one of the callers.  I suggested that at a time of full
>> employment, perhaps a bright guy like him might get a better job.  He
>> replied that he was being paid quite well for his efforts!  
>> Apparently the
>> number of any fool who answers their phone is worth $7.
>> Nick
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