[FRIAM] Book Lovers of Santa FE

glen gepropella at gmail.com
Thu Apr 20 08:59:19 EDT 2023

If they/you are interested, here's the FAQ for affiliating with bookshop.org:


On 4/19/23 14:25, Steve Smith wrote:
> We got the word that Peggy Frank found someone to carry Book Mountain forward...   a couple already working in the bookstores of Santa Fe for years...   Lauren Ayles? and Phil Geronimo... also poets/writers.
> Even though they are nominally a "paperback exchange", their inventory has grown to include a lot of quality non-fiction, especially since they moved down the street a few years ago.  I get the feeling that Lauren and Phil will probably move them even more in that direction as time goes forward.
> Our credit there is well above what we could spend down responsibly (without filling our house again) and will likely donate the bulk of it, we were honestly just glad to have someone make sure the thousands of books we brought them last year (thousands more to other stores in SFe as well) aren't going to a pulp mill or landfill.
> If anyone here still reads paper, go on in and check them out!
>     http://bookmountainsantafe.com/

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