[FRIAM] The Three Toed Sloth meets the Shoggoth

Stephen Guerin stephen.guerin at simtable.com
Sat Jun 24 18:27:02 EDT 2023

Thanks, Roger.

I put a copy of Shalizi and Farrell's paper for discussion here:

(As this is a not a public email list, I think it's fair use to post a link
to the article for discussion. I will delete the file tomorrow so the
public archive will have a dead link)

Also, here's a link to Weitzman's Hyperplane Theory referenced in the

In some ways Bill Macready and Mohammed El-Beltagy (cc'd) were trying to
build a version of Weitzman's Hyperplane for economic allocation with
BiosGroup's Prowess Software 20 years ago extending price only auctions to
the hyperplanes of price, time, quality and other multidimensional metrics.

Mohammed and I have been talking off list these last couple months of the
same points as the article that modern corporations and governments were
some fo the first AIs that we're struggling to understand proper governance
and how the challenge of what AI governance may look like.


Stephen.Guerin at Simtable.com <stephen.guerin at simtable.com>
CEO, https://www.simtable.com <http://www.simtable.com/>
1600 Lena St #D1, Santa Fe, NM 87505
office: (505)995-0206 mobile: (505)577-5828

On Sat, Jun 24, 2023 at 2:55 PM Roger Critchlow <rec at elf.org> wrote:

> I was trawling through my saved bookmarks looking for insights into
> Prigozhin's mutiny, when I stumbled to http://bactra.org/weblog/ and
> found that Henry Farrell and Cosma Shalizi have just published an essay in
> The Economist,
> https://www.economist.com/by-invitation/2023/06/21/artificial-intelligence-is-a-familiar-looking-monster-say-henry-farrell-and-cosma-shalizi,
> paywalled of course, but there is a twitter listicle version at
> https://twitter.com/henryfarrell/status/1671547591262191618
> -- rec --
> -. --- - / ...- .- .-.. .. -.. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .
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