[FRIAM] "just get the right answer" or do computer simulation, Ivan Sutherland's "final keynote" on first day (Thursday) of the Utah recordings..

Carl Diegert cdiegert at gmail.com
Tue Mar 28 12:41:38 EDT 2023

.. that Stephen Guerin (correctly) ranked as "Wow".
Certainly it is my observer bias that finds most remarkable that
84-year-old Sutherland continues so strongly, but, perhaps to Stephen, more
remarkable is -- at the very end of Sutherland's keynote -- Sutherland's
observation that we humans could run computer simulations to obtain a
Josephson Junction's  operating envelope (presumably exploiting the speed
of a "SQF supercomputer in a shoebox"), or we could "just get the right
answer" using (human-based, computer assisted) algebra.
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