[FRIAM] emergent mind - ai news by ai

Steve Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Wed Mar 29 19:20:05 EDT 2023

GPR (not to be confused with GPT) -
> It's ridiculous. Suddenly, I feel more akin to that Chinese guy who 
> GE'd some babies ... or the biohackers growing glowing dogs in their 
> shed. You can't control people with open letters and calls to "good 
> behavior".

It is definitely "toothless" a bit like the "thoughts and prayers" we 
throw at school shootings...  (nearly daily now?)

and then we have the Doomsday Clock 
<https://thebulletin.org/doomsday-clock/timeline/>...   which added 
climate change to it's calculus of doom but haven't tossed AI (et al.) 
in yet.

We *do* seem to have some (weak/partial/??) extant mechanisms for 
collective self-regulation, but at some level, I think it always grounds 
out in *some* form of coercion at some scale?   I don't think authors of 
Open Letters think that they their pre/pro-scriptions will be followed 
as a direct consequence.   But *does* the public airing of a "dire 
caution" have any feedback effect, or is it in fact just "meh"?

I'm a Luddite at heart so their appeal appealed to me, but thjen *I'm* 
not developing these tools (even if I am engaged in guerilla "socratic 


  - Steve
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