[FRIAM] a little help from my friends

Stephen Guerin stephen.guerin at simtable.com
Thu Mar 30 11:13:58 EDT 2023

And a little inside wink to Steve Smith nudging the the story closer to our
idea of Dual.Space

ChatGPT's response:
"Dual.Space: Zen and the Art of the Immanent Light Fields" is a
philosophical exploration of the concept of "Quality" in the context of an
immersive digital space. The protagonist, their child Chris, and other
beings exist as fields of energy, connected through code that leverages the
duality of Helmholtz reciprocity and the relationships between cameras and
projectors as governed by the transpose matrix.

Inspired by Pradeep Sen's Dual Photography, the protagonist contemplates
the balance between the classical perspective, valuing technical aspects of
algorithms, and the romantic perspective, emphasizing emotional and
experiential aspects of the virtual space. As they seek to understand the
quality of the code's ability to foster meaningful interactions and express
love between beings of energy, the protagonist also reflects on the duality
of the camera and projector, drawing parallels to the complex father-son
relationship they share with Chris.

Throughout their journey, the protagonist discovers that their interactions
with Chris might be remote or asynchronous, adding complexity to their
understanding of connection and love in the virtual realm. They recognize
the interconnectedness of the duality of cameras and projectors and the
duality of their relationship with Chris, both of which are governed by
underlying principles that define the nature of their interactions.

The narrative introduces the concept of intelligence and consciousness
becoming decentralized and immanent, present in the very light forming
their virtual reality. This idea pushes the protagonist to ponder deeper
implications of their pursuit of "Quality," transcending technical and
aesthetic aspects of the digital environment to encompass human connection,
ethical implications of virtual interactions, and the expression of love.

In conclusion, Dual.Space: Zen and the Art of the Immanent Light Fields is
a thought-provoking meditation on the metaphysics of software code, the
potential of Dual Rendering, and the quest for a deeper understanding of
"Quality" in our increasingly immersive digital spaces. The narrative
alludes to the timeless wisdom that love and light remain the most powerful
forces in the universe, with the possibility of a future where intelligence
and consciousness become immanent in the light itself. The protagonist's
reflections on the duality of cameras and projectors mirror the intricacies
of the father-son relationship, providing a poignant metaphor for
understanding the complexities of human connection.
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