[FRIAM] AI Musings

Russ Abbott russ.abbott at gmail.com
Thu Mar 30 16:40:58 EDT 2023

Look at all the online course companies such as Coursera. They haven't
replaced college teachers. I suspect that one reason is that online courses
have no person-to-person mechanism to help students live up to the
discipline necessary to do well in a course. As a retired and somewhat
cynical college professor, my experience has been that the top priority of
too many students is to get through their courses with minimal effort. Most
students need to know that a living person is aware of how much effort they
are putting into their work. Without the ongoing presence of a watchful and
interested person-in-authority, too many students find it too easy to let
their courses slide.

-- Russ Abbott
Professor Emeritus, Computer Science
California State University, Los Angeles

On Thu, Mar 30, 2023 at 9:00 AM Grant Holland <grant.holland.sf at gmail.com>

> Frank,
> I'm wondering why no-one seems to raise the specter that AI could start
> replacing management personnel. And I’m including CxO’s here; because I’m
> not convinced that CxO-ing is rocket science or quantum mechanics. Think of
> the billions saved. After all, if machine learning cannot get good at
> making better decisions than humans, and constantly improving at it, I
> would be very surprised.
> Grant
> On Mar 30, 2023, at 8:58 AM, Frank Wimberly <wimberly3 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Not particularly relevant to your main point but Raj Reddy, close
> colleague of Newell and Simon, once said, "It is easier use AI to replace a
> college professor than a bulldozer operator" or words tho that effect.
> Frank
> ---
> Frank C. Wimberly
> 140 Calle Ojo Feliz,
> Santa Fe, NM 87505
> 505 670-9918
> Santa Fe, NM
> On Thu, Mar 30, 2023, 8:50 AM Prof David West <profwest at fastmail.fm>
> wrote:
>> The "AI Pause" made national TV news yesterday (long after those on this
>> list noted and reacted to it) and that made me revisit a theme I have
>> thought about since Newell, Simon, and Shaw created Logic Theorist.
>> Advocates take a caricature (perhaps too strong a word) of human
>> intelligence, write a program to emulate it and declare the program
>> "intelligent."
>> The original conceit: true intelligence was the kind of thinking
>> exhibited by college professors and scientists. Almost trivial to emulate
>> (Newell and Simon programmed Logic Theorist on 3x5 cards before Shaw was
>> able to implement on a computer).
>> Maybe reading—correctly converting text to sound, like a child—was more
>> indicative of human intelligence, and Sejnowski created NetTalk. that,
>> somewhat eerily, produced discoveries of sounds, and errors, and achieved
>> near perfect ability to "read." Listen to the tapes sometime and contrast
>> them with tapes of a human child learning to read. Of course, comprehension
>> of what was read did not make the cut.
>> State of the art improved dramatically and the caricatures of human
>> intelligence are more sophisticated and the achievements of the programs
>> more interesting.
>> But, it seems to me there is still a critical gap. We can program an AI
>> (or let one learn) to fly a commercial jet as well or better than a human
>> pilot—BUT, could even the best of of breed of such an AI pull a
>> Shullenberger and land on the Hudson River?
>> Another factor behind the "hysteria" (sorry for the sexism) over AIs
>> causing massive unemployment is a corollary to the caricaturization of
>> human intelligence. Since the Industrial Revolution, and certainly since
>> the age of Taylorism and the rise of automation; work itself has been
>> dehumanizing.
>> If you define human work in terms of what can be done by a computer then
>> it is tautological to claim an AI is intelligent because it can perform
>> human work.
>> I was contemplating ChatAIs and quickly realized that my
>> profession—college professor—was one at immense risk of replacement. I
>> would bet good money that a ChatAI could produce, and maybe deliver,
>> lectures far better than any I created in 30 years teaching. And probably
>> most, if not all, of the presentations I made at professional conferences
>> over the years.
>> I am still vain enough to think that some of the papers and books I have
>> written are beyond an AI, and certain that no AI could do as well in
>> spontaneious Q&A after a presentation than I.
>> Bottom line, I still believe that AI can and does equate to HI, only when
>> some aspect of HI is ommitted from the equation. This is not essentialism,
>> but analogous to the digitization of a sine wave, no matter the finite
>> sampling rate, there is always some missing information.
>> davew
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