[FRIAM] Google Bard

Gary Schiltz gary at naturesvisualarts.com
Sun May 21 13:21:07 EDT 2023

Answering my own question, I signed up and was able to ask ChatGPT. It
gave a better answer from the start.

If you have a WordPress site with no pages or posts, the default
behavior of WordPress depends on the theme you have installed.
However, in most cases, the following elements are typically displayed
when you visit the site:

Header: The header section of your website, which usually includes the
site title or logo and the main navigation menu.

Footer: The footer section of your website, containing information
such as copyright notices, links to privacy policies, terms of use,
and contact information.

Sidebar: If your theme has a sidebar, it may be displayed on the site.
The sidebar typically contains widgets like search bars, categories,
recent posts, or custom content, depending on your theme and widget

Widgets: Some themes display widgets in areas other than the sidebar,
such as the footer or header. These can include social media icons,
subscription forms, or other customizable elements.

Empty Content Area: Since you have no pages or posts, the main content
area of your site may appear empty or display a default message like
"No content found" or "This site does not have any content yet."

It's important to note that the appearance of your site can be
customized by installing and configuring different themes, page
builders, and plugins. These tools allow you to create and arrange
content in various ways, so the actual display of your site may vary
depending on your specific settings.

On Sun, May 21, 2023 at 12:01 PM Gary Schiltz
<gary at naturesvisualarts.com> wrote:
> I haven't signed up for ChatGPT or similar, so I tried Google Bard to
> get an answer to a practical question to do with WordPress
> development. I knew that the answer that it gave me was incorrect, and
> said so. Here is an abridged version of the second conversation:
> Gary: I asked Google Bard the following question: "If I have a
> wordpress site with no pages or posts, what gets displayed when I go
> to the site?" and it basically told me that it won't display anything,
> and told me how to add pages or posts. That answer was just plain
> wrong. The theme somehow displays something by default, and I'd like
> to know what mechanism it uses to show this default content.
> Bard admitted it was wrong and pointed to what I presume is correct (I
> haven't looked into it to verify).
> Bard: You are correct, Google Bard's answer was incorrect. When you
> have a WordPress site with no pages or posts, the theme will display a
> default content. This default content is usually a message that
> encourages you to create your first page or post. The mechanism that
> the theme uses to display this default content is called the template
> hierarchy. The template hierarchy is a system that WordPress uses to
> determine which template file to load for a particular page or post.
> When you have no pages or posts, WordPress will load the index.php
> template file. This file is responsible for displaying the default
> content.
> The following is an example of the default content that is displayed
> by the index.php template file:
> Code snippet
> <!DOCTYPE html>
> <html>
> <head>
> <title>Welcome to WordPress</title>
> </head>
> <body>
> <h1>Welcome to WordPress</h1>
> <p>This is your new WordPress site. To get started, please create your
> first page or post.</p>
> <p><a href="wp-admin/post-new.php">Create a new page</a></p>
> <p><a href="wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=post">Create a new post</a></p>
> </body>
> </html>
> You can customize the default content by editing the index.php
> template file. You can find this file in your theme's directory.
> I wonder how ChatGPT would fare? Anyone care to try since I haven't
> signed up for it...

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