[FRIAM] On Apple Podcasts: Solving Tornadoes: Woke Meteorology

Nicholas Thompson thompnickson2 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 6 23:28:27 EDT 2023

Hi, all,

I was casting about for a podcast on meteorology and stumbled on this guy.  I can’t tell if he’s a total raging loon. he says some interesting things about the properties of water and then claims that convection is a myth! I could not find any trace of him on the web except this podcast. The one thing he says that caught my attention is that meteorologists imply that air masses have structural properties that would allow, say, in light air mass to hold a loft, a heavier one. Having red hundreds of forecast discussions, I sort of know what he’s talking about.

Solving Tornadoes: Woke Meteorology
James McGinn

Exposing the incompetence of the current meteorological paradigm on storm theory and introducing a new, scientifically competent theory of storms and atmospheric flow.
Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/solving-tornadoes-woke-meteorology/id1489185715

Sent from my Dumb Phone
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