[FRIAM] Breaking Bad and Free Will

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Fri Jan 26 12:56:01 EST 2024

I don’t think it is the explanation in their case.  They are just sociopaths.

From: Friam <friam-bounces at redfish.com> On Behalf Of Steve Smith
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2024 9:32 AM
To: friam at redfish.com
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Breaking Bad and Free Will

The person that knows their path is bound, rationally discards the self-regulation of guilt, and in that sense has more “freedom”.

Yah... that's kinda the vibe I get from DT, Bannon, Stone, Miller and many of the Jan 6 crowd.

I have a thing with the triad of Blame/Shame/Guilt....   I think a lot of folks conflate Shame and Guilt and avoid the (healthy?) self-regulation of Guilt in the name of refusing to be (unhealthily)Shamed.   Shame-avoidance does seem to enhance Freedom-sensation the same way a warm gun fits the hand (Beetles reference), but Guilt-embrace seems (to me) to allow for a finer attention to detail in the fractal landscape of Choice (whether it is an illusion or not) which maybe in some way increases freedom of choice/will?

I'm probably wrong about all this (whatever wrong means in this case) but it is how I have come to model my own personal responsibility (no matter what Sapolsky says about whether I have any choices or not).

My own Labrynthian path through the Maze of Being is something of a Return to Grace journey...  not literally the Judeo-Christian Grace (involving Eden and Apples and Serpents and such) but something metaphorically aligned.  Best I can tell, I'll only reach that state (of Grace) asymptotically (as with Satori?) on a trajectory of senescence and/or extinction (of the ego with or without the body)?   At that point maybe Satori and Grace are synonyms?

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