[FRIAM] Please join Zoom meeting in progress Virtual Friam

Steve Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Sun Jan 28 13:15:43 EST 2024

Nick -

Do you know if they do the ones on the left anti-chiral to those on the 
right like high-torque machinery and heavy truck lugs (don't ask me how 
I know this, only that I've broken a few wrenches with cheater bars from 
forgetting it).

That close to the brain, you would think they would account for mental 
coriolis effect?

Asking for a friend...

- Steve

> So, you missed it because you got screwed. Got it.
>     I was hoping to join you for a bit today but a super long dentist
>     appointment intruded. sscrewing and screwing unscrewing and
>     screwing unscrewin and screwing. An hour and a half. Exhausting
>     but not painful open, open more open bit more. Absent the
>     apocalypse, I should get my new teeth bolted in on February 15.
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