[FRIAM] Debate and Election

steve smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Mon Jul 1 14:58:32 EDT 2024

While I'm on a roll (see [un]official disambiguation thread):

I gurgitated:

> Phellow Phriamers -
>     Here are my anti-Trump ideations grounded in the SCrOTUS decision
>     of the day:
> Warning, vivid imagery which
> may induce */limbic chaos/*!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> President Joe Biden writes the following (official act) executive 
> orders and proclamations:

<more Gurge, less Limbic Chaos>

Regarding the debate and election:

Watching the debate (most of my friends chose to "know better" and 
waited for select aftergame reports) I was deeply disheartened by both 

That said, I realized (soon after?) that they were in fact 
"performances", as virtually all politicking is (and virtually all that 
DJT ever does?)...

While I have ideated exhaustively (exhausted myself and anyone who would 
listen) on alternative scenarios where Biden (gracefully) steps aside, 
including nominating a consensus candidate (implied team) of his choice 
(e.g. Newsom/Harris, Booker/Whitmer, Jeffries/Warren, ??? ad nauseum) 
with full-throated endorsements by everyone of significance in the left 
(e.g. Pelosi, Obamas, Late Night Comicsa few senior Newshosts, ???).  
And the Never Trumpers from the Right (Cheney-Kinsinger, Chris 
Christie?, Judge Ludig, the Lincoln Project, et alii), I had another 
simple thought.

What if this event really reduces the race to what it really is: Never 
Trumping, Bald Authoritarianism vs flawed Democracy in the Democratic 
Party's style?

Someone made the point that nobody who was going to vote for Biden will 
now vote for Trump, maybe a few will cynically risk letting Trump 
default in,  but most of the "own the libs" Trumpsters just got the 
satisfaction they crave (humiliating libs) and might forget to vote 
(incels in their parent's basement watching porn).   There were only 
order 9M registered voters who failed to vote in 2020,  a smallish (out 
of 168M? registered voters) percentage, but enough to swing the election 
wide.   Some of those will always fail.   I believe the number of 
*eligible* voters in 2020 was 1.5x the number registered,  or about 80M 
unregistered voters.

The focus could/should be "get out the vote", trusting that Trump's 
frenzied grievance politics has already wrung his turnip-truck-load of 
turnips near-dry?

I also wonder at why nobody has said (enough?) much to "mainstream" or 
"oldSkool" conservatives/Republicans about their role as a "Loyal 
Opposition"?   Don't they miss that role themselves and miss having one 
in traditional Dems?   The gloves have been off (on one side) for some 
time, do they (all) really want to be left standing after a brutal 
beatdown consisting of sand-in-the-face, brass knuckle rabbit and kidney 
punches?   I'm sure many are eager for that, despite the "careful what 
you ask for" rule, but surely enough (like the afore-mentioned 

Don't at least some want to get back to the "good old days" of a 
gentle(wo)man's tug-of-war across a mud-pit (sans vipers)?

The new(ly re-realized) reality might bring some focus to those who 
already (or nearly) recognize the dire threat of Authoritarianism (this 
time in a Red Hat) in general?
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