[FRIAM] Debate and Election

steve smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Mon Jul 1 15:25:30 EDT 2024

  Marcus wrote:
> Right-wing authoritarianism seems to be about 25-30% of the population 
> in the United States.
And if only 67% of the "eligible" voters vote, and "all" of the 
authoritarians register and vote for the Fascist then the remainder 
voters remains order >37% of population which looks like a hands-down 
defeat for them:  (30vs37 of the 67?).

But how many foolish tools are there who will for one single-issue or 
nihilist or anti-establishment or twisted-Libertarian reason  throw down 
for the chaos Candidate?

I guess we will know in November when half the population lets out a 
huge sigh of despair and/or gets out the torches and pitchforks?

Apologies to our international members who have to watch us make such 
idiotic fools of ourselves (Americans in general, not just the vocal 
domestic FriAMerz)...

- Sieve
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