[FRIAM] Does Dusty Love Dave, and VV.

Nicholas Thompson thompnickson2 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 12 12:59:01 EDT 2024

[Please, Friammers,, if you join this discussion, stay close to this or
other closely related down-to-earth experiences.

Dave, you offer as data:

*Dave is sleepy and calm.*

*Dusty is anxious and afraid.*

*Dusty crawls onto Dave's shoulder and finds reassurance and security.*

*Dave is tolerant and does not shove Dusty off bed.*

*Dave senses Dusty's need for reassurance and rests his arm across her back
and lets her stay as she is.*
*Dusty relaxes and goes to sleep.*

You then offer the following guide to interpretation:

*Love is not present in this transaction, unless you presume that a series
of prior interactions created a kind of meta-state of Lovingness between
the two *

I agree with you that love is a meta state in the sense that it is an
arrangement of other behavioral states.  So I will leave that alone.
Having so stipulated, I think it is reasonable to say, on the basis of the
data you set forth, that  a meta-state of lovingness exists between you.
(I would prefer to say you love one another, but partly in deference to SG,
I will adopt your lingo.]  To call your joint behavior loving is to perform
an abduction.  The test of an abduction is to examine the deductions that
flow from it:

So, if Dave and Dusty have a loving relationship, then, on my
understanding, the following would be true:

*You would protect one another against harm.*
*You would attend to one another if either was sick, injured, or depressed.*
*You would  become uneasy if you were separated for an unexpectedly long

Are these things true?

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