[FRIAM] tolerance of intolerance

steve smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Tue Jul 16 17:25:20 EDT 2024

> As the whitelash thing works itself out over the next few decades,

I listened to JD Vance's interviews when he was first on his "Hillbilly 
Elegy" booktour back whenever (2015?) and was hopeful for him.   I 
thought he was bringing some type of visibility and healthy response to 
the stigmergic and transient stimuli which ultimately yielded the frothy 
whitelash we have been in for (way to long of) a while now.   When he 
was speaking so vociferously against Trump, I had some renewed hope that 
he represented something productive in the realm of relieving the 
conditions frothing up the whitelash...

His current "short game" looks as ugly or worse than any of the other 
(DeSantis, Cruz, Hawley, ... ) wankers, and I fear his "long game" is 
even better than theirs, probably to "nothing good will come" effect.   
A kinked short-story, however, might include him catching the mantle 
when Trump drops/fumbles/has-ripped-from-cold-dead-hands and doing the 
things I imagined for/from him 10 years ago.   Almost certainly not. 
Power is corruption. Project 2025 would likely be his blueprint as well.

>   hopefully our machine siblings will find a way to manage the infestation.  Like Robot Wars in reverse.
Robot Peace? With Folded Hands <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Humanoids>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Friam<friam-bounces at redfish.com>  On Behalf Of glen
> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2024 8:34 AM
> To:friam at redfish.com
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] tolerance of intolerance
> Yeah. I don't like the word "myth", though. I prefer something like "extrapolation". There exist what I estimate best approximates true patriots inside the alphabet agencies (including the not so glamorous ones like NOAA) who, in spite of any political opinions they may hold at home, try to stick to their mission. That value structure provides the infrastructure for extrapolation into something like the Deep State. They actively sell such a thing in, say, "Be All You Can Be" ads and recruitment rhetoric. They did this when I was in college and I'm sure they still do it. And to a large extent, it's true. The Army is still the most logistically capable agency on the planet (IMNSHO) ... despite the strides made by Toyota, Walmart, Amazon, etc. If you take it seriously, you can learn some serious skills and reap some serious benefits while helping the State achieve serious feats.
> But extrapolation always comes with uncertainty. And humans are incapable of reasoning over such. Our machine siblings, however ...
> On 7/16/24 07:43, Marcus Daniels wrote:
>> The gross failure of the Deep State here is strong evidence it is a myth.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Friam<friam-bounces at redfish.com>  On Behalf Of glen
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2024 6:24 AM
>> To:friam at redfish.com
>> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] tolerance of intolerance
>> Yeah. It's one thing to wish it or want it. It's another to think more in Marcus' terms and come up with a more complex strategy not involving stupid 20 year olds and no violence at all. I still hold out hope for my own personal conspiracy theory. Biden becomes the nominee. After the convention fades, the Admnistration announces Biden has gone to the hospital for bone spur surgery. Kamala takes over temporarily and campaigns furiously for Biden-Harris. Biden is re-elected. Biden recovers and gets through the Oath (fingers crossed). Then he goes back to the hospital with some minor thing like a dizzy spell. Kamala takes over again. Biden's condition worsens. First Female President. Biden recovers and becomes America's Grandpa.
>> Come on Deep State. Make it happen. 8^D
>> On 7/15/24 17:30, Russ Abbott wrote:
>>> I wonder what Scott's response would have been to those of us who, in response to the shooting, thought: better luck next time.
>>> On 7/15/24 17:28, Marcus Daniels wrote:
>>>> It ignores the option of doing things quietly and indirectly.
>>>> On 7/15/24 16:46, glen wrote:
>>>>> [Scott's] Prayer
>>>>> https://scottaaronson.blog/?p=8117
>>>>> I'm currently surrounded by people who believe intolerance is properly not tolerated. Scott's message, here, seems extraordinary Christian, to me. (Real Christian, not the Christianism displayed in things like megachurches and whatnot cfhttps://raymondsmullyan.com/books/who-knows/). This faith that "going high" will, in the long run, win out, seems naive to me. The temptation to "hoist the black flag and start slitting throats" isn't merely a thresholded reaction, it's an intuitive grasp of the iterated prisoner's dilemma, tit-for-tat style strategies, and Ashby's LoRV. But I'm open to changing my mind on that. Maybe I'm just too low-brow?
> -. --- - / ...- .- .-.. .. -.. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .
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