[FRIAM] Does Dusty Love Dave, and VV.

steve smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Thu Jul 18 22:39:58 EDT 2024

Nick -

I think I tried to help you arrange to scan/OCR "Wild Animals I have 
Known" as much as a decade ago?

I'm guessing his work had a significant effect on you and perhaps in 
leading you to your profession/career?

I encountered Seton's "Wild Animals I have Known"  in my grade-school 
library sometime after reading a little bit of London and Burroughs...   
I didn't know who Seton was at the time (in relation to scouting) but 
simultaneous my "Cub Scout" troop was practicing for a set of skits 
celebrating Rocky Mountain heroes Kit Carson and Ben Lilly who was 
*proudly* depicted roughly (Wikipedia quote) as follows:

    "/He was no doubt, one of the most destructive individuals
    contributing to the reduction of North American//apex predators
    <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apex_predator>//to the brink of
    extinction, an act contrary to modern standards of both ethical
    hunting and//wildlife conservation

    and Kit Carson: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kit_Carson#Reputation
    who had a big hand in a great deal of atrocities against Native
    Americans including "the long walk"...

I knew there was something fundamentally at odds between the heroifying 
of these two men and the kinds of stories I was reading from the likes 
of Seton.  I didn't recognize how much anthropomorphic projection he was 
diong (having been raised on Bre'r Rabbit and Wind in the Willows class 
anthropomorphism of animals).

Later I discovered Loren Eiseley who is also known for (over) 
anthropomorphising.  But yes, the myriad nature writers of many stripes 
are an inspiration, even though my chosen professional path was pretty 
complementary to all that.

Would you say that Evolutionary Psychology is the "long form" of 
behaviorism, focusing on the adaptation on the scale of many generations 
vs the adaptation on the scale of a single organism's interactions or a 
lifetime of interactions and experiences?

- Steve

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