[FRIAM] Man Probes Consciousness: Consciousness Probes Back

Ben Shedd bensheddcs at aol.com
Mon Jul 22 15:38:37 EDT 2024

Hi all, Thanks for these ideas about ideas to be immersed inside the IAIA dome. 

The good news is, some of the IAIA students in the IAIA dome classes I have been teaching in the past few years have already made some short dome movies that capture indigenous stories about ways to view the world.  These stories grew from the students making their own stories in the Dome space during classes.  

Let’s plan a Friday morning FRIAM get-together at the IAIA Dome sometime in September after the next semester gets going.  I’d be glad to setup a Dome Demo for FRIAM and arrange to have some coffee and tea available.  I look forward to having all of you come see the Dome that Ed and Stephen got put in place a decade ago and is now a storytelling place for a wide variety of indigenous immersive experiences

Best regards, Ben

Ben Shedd
https://benshedd.com <https://benshedd.com/>

> On 20 Jul 2024, at 11:09 PM, Stephen Guerin <stephen.guerin at simtable.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 20, 2024, 11:12 AM Edward Angel <angel at cs.unm.edu <mailto:angel at cs.unm.edu>> wrote:
> The original plan for the IAIA dome was to record stories.
> Right, Ed. And the PFI grant you shepherded also explored HCI in the dome. And the the idea of the "digital kiva".
>    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiva <https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiva>
> Steve Smith worked toward this from the Sfx complex side of the grant as well as other projects.
> In some seriousness, Ben, it would be an interesting exercise for students to make "Man Cites Consciousness" or equiv in a  48-hour film challenge working out AI production workflows. This could later lead to more realtime group interaction with  Artificial Consciousness (AC) in the dome in the spirit of the Kiva. Consciousness, psychedelic research and spirituality are becoming mainstream academic topics (eg https://cswr.hds.harvard.edu/research-programming/transcendence-transformation/spirituality-psychedelics/psychedelics-and-future-religion <https://cswr.hds.harvard.edu/research-programming/transcendence-transformation/spirituality-psychedelics/psychedelics-and-future-religion>) 
>  IAIA dome could be one of the world's centers.

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